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z-amp-core Documentation

Welcome to the documentation section for the z-amp-core library. Web audio is a passion of ours and we want to ensure that developers are provided with the tools that they need to create some awesome experiences. If you have any ideas for the library or suggestions for how to improve it, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. With that out of the way, let’s get started!


Learn what z-amp-core is and what you can achieve with it.

Basic Concepts

Get a handle on the terminology of z-amp-core and how it all fits together.

Adding z-amp-core to a Website

Install the core library on your website.

Creating an Audio Pipeline

Start adding functionality with a custom audio pipeline.

Listening for Events

Find out how to receive notifications when events occur within the framework.

z-amp-core Modules

Learn what each core module does and how to use it.

Creating Themes

Create and distribute your own custom theme for others to use.

API Reference

Inspect the individual classes that compose the library.